SiteFile (SF) is a software application designed to link the site to the office. SF allows workers in the field to access
every required safety form, checklist or file they need to review and sign. We created SF with the vision
of a paperless field for workers without compromising safety performance or compliance. SF allows
management in the office to collaborate with workers on site by making required documents available,
as needed.
SF will upload your company’s safety forms and checklists. You can decide what forms the workers
review and complete on site.
Invite users to your project within the App. Registration is fast and easy.
SF is an easy and user friendly means for workers to review and complete forms and files on site.
Workers on site can complete and sign any company form or checklist with a phone or tablet.
Forms are converted to PDF once published and instantly saved to the client’s project folder.
Easily duplicate data from prior forms and checklists. Edit and sign once reviewed with workers on site.
Easily share or print your files.
Search and filter feature included.
Signature feature included.
Never lose or scan another file on site again. NEVER LOSE SITE-FILES
Convert photos of safety files to PDFs. Instantly save your files to the project folder.
Access every completed file, form or checklist instantly.